More Save the Dates!

More Save the Dates!

Last week I asked that you save the dates for our Ice Cream Social with Backpack Blessing at 4 PM on Sunday August 25th and our Kick Off Sunday on September 15th with a parish potluck following the 10 AM service. 

This week I have yet more dates for you to save! This year we are excited to host a table at the Glenview Blocktoberfest Kids Zone. On Saturday September 21st from 11 AM to 4 PM we’ll offer an activity for kids and pass out information on St. David’s. Please mark it down on your calendars now, we will be asking for volunteers (of all ages!) to help man the table. A sign up for time slots helping at the table will be coming soon! For more information on Blocktoberfest, visit the website:

One of the upcoming events that we’ll be promoting at Blocktoberfest is a Christmas Pageant that will take place at the 10 AM service on Sunday December 22nd. A huge thank you to Mary Beth Darr, who has graciously offered to help coordinate it.

Finally, even further out in the future I’d like for you to mark down on your calendars the weekend of Friday April 4th through Sunday April 6th, 2025. I am excited to announce that all in the parish are invited to join a weekend away parish retreat at the DeKoven Center in Racine, WI. More details will be coming soon! 

As we head into the last few weeks before school resumes, I hope you all are doing well, and have a chance to enjoy the slower pace of the Summer before things ramp back up at the end of the month. 

See you in Church! 


Fr Adler+

Read Along with the Church

Last week in the Daily Office Lectionary we finished reading through Romans and we have begun reading through the book of Judges, yet another one of those difficult Old Testament books. Below I’m again posting aids from the Bible Project to assist as we read along with the Church through Judges. 

Book of Judges Summary:

And here is a whole guide to reading through Judges from the Bible Project:


“Inwardly Digest” Book Has Arrived

