Parking Lot!

Parking Lot!

The time has finally come! This coming week, the parking lot will receive its much needed facelift. It does mean that the parking lot will not be accessible Monday July 29th - Saturday August 3rd. As long as we don’t have a week full of torrential rain, the parking lot will be ready for use again by Sunday.

Thank you so much to everyone who has made a contribution to help cover the cost of the new parking lot. If you haven’t yet done so, but would like to we are happy to accept it! Simply note parking lot in the memo line of the check.

See you in Church!


Fr Adler+

Read Along with the Church

In the Daily Office Lectionary we are approaching the end of St. Paul’s letter to the Romans, and in the Old Testament Lesson we have just begun to make our way through the bulk of the book of Joshua. Joshua is not for the faint of heart, but it is worth wrestling with. Here is a video overview of the book of Joshua to prepare for reading through it.

Book of Joshua Summary:

And here is a whole guide to reading through Joshua from the Bible Project:

