Lent is about Love

Most people, when they think about Lent, their minds go to fasting, austerity, somber music, and just in general, not the most positive of feelings. But Lent is really about love. It’s about preparing us to participate in and receive the love of God poured out for us and the world on the Cross.

As I mentioned a few weeks ago when we heard the Gospel story of the miracle of turning water into wine at the wedding of Cana, one of the most important motifs that runs the length of Scripture is that of the relationship between God and his people as that of a Bridegroom and Bride.

During our drive down to North Carolina, I listened to a number of audio books, and one that I happened to download (for free from the public library!) was “Jesus the Bridegroom: The Greatest Love Story Ever Told” by Brant Pitre. https://www.amazon.com/Jesus-Bridegroom-Greatest-Love-Story/dp/0770435459

I have to say I was throughly captivated; it was a wonderful read (well listen!). As I approached the end of the book, I couldn’t shake the thought that this would work wonderfully as this year’s Lent Book Study.

And so I am inviting all in the parish to participate in reading through this very readable book this upcoming season of Lent. One of the reasons I liked it so much is that it is very much focused on the Scriptures. While it may sound a bit theologically heady, I think you’ll be surprised to see just how firmly grounded this book is in the Bible.

The book is available in a variety of formats, audio book, ebook, and of course paperback. Feel free to get it however ever you’d prefer. If you would like the Church to order you a paperback copy, please let the office know and drop off a check for $15 with “Lent Book” in the memo line.

If you’re interested in a discussion group for this book during Lent, please let me know (rector@stdavidsglenview.org)!

See you in Church!


Fr Adler+

p.s. This Sunday our Annual Parish Meeting will take place following the 10 am service. I hope you’ll join us in celebrating all that we’ve accomplished the past year and look forward to the future.

Read Along with the Church

In Morning Prayer the past two week’s we’ve been making our way through the Epistle to the Galatians. Even if you haven’t been able to pray daily Morning Prayer, I’ll encourage you to read through the letter to the Galatians. Below I’m posting some material from the Bible Project to provide some background information.





