Gifts & Cookies. Preparing the Way

What a wonderful past week! This past Saturday St. David’s sent packing two wonderful expressions of love and concern for our neighbors. In the morning a crew helped load 49 boxes of gifts that the parish had collected which were sent off to 19 individuals and 12 families, for a total of 71 people. Then, in the afternoon another crew helped pack 100 bags of cookies that were delivered on Tuesday to Lawrence Hall. Thank you to everyone who participated in either or both of these wonderful programs. And a special thanks to Marilyn Berdick for organizing the Giving Tree and Lindsay Adler and Melissa Rose for organizing the Lawrence Hall Cookie Donation.

Every morning, before Morning Prayer officially begins, I read from one of two books “Celebrating the Saints” or “Celebrating the Seasons” which contain writings from Christians over the past two millennia that are appropriate for either the saint or the season of the day.

This past Tuesday was a particularly poignant reading from a homily of Origen. I thought it was a powerful message, and beautifully written. So rather than try to top it, I figured I’d share it with you here:

“We read these words in the prophet Isaiah: ‘A voice cries out: In the desert prepare the way of the Lord! Make straight in the wilderness a highway for our God.’ The Lord wishes to find a way by which he might enter your hearts and walk therein. Prepare this way for him of whom it is said: ‘Make straight in the wilderness a highway for our God.’ The voice cries out in the desert: ‘Prepare the way.’ This voice first reaches our ears; and then following it, or rather with it, the Word penetrates our understanding. It is in this sense that Christ was announced by John.

“Let us see, therefore, what the voice announces concerning the Word. ‘Prepare,’ says the voice, ‘the way of the Lord.’ What way are we to prepare for the Lord? Is it a material way? Can the Word of God take such a way? Ought we not rather to prepare an inner way for the Lord by making the paths of our heart straight and smooth? Indeed, this is the way by which the Word of God enters in order to take up his abode in the human heart made ready to receive him.

“How great is the human heart! What width and capacity it possesses, provided it is pure! Do you wish to know its greatness and width? Look at the extent of the divine knowledge that it embraces. It tells us itself: ‘God gave me sound knowledge of existing things that I might know the organization of the universe and the force of its elements, the beginning and the end and the mid-point of times, the changes in the sun’s course and the variations of the seasons. Cycles of years, positions of the stars, natures of animals, tempers of beasts, powers of the winds and thoughts of people, uses of plants and virtues of roots.’

“Thus, you see that the human heart knows so many things and is of no small compass. But notice that its greatness is not one of size but of the power of thought by which it is capable of knowing so many truths.

“In order to make everyone realize how great the human heart is, let us look at a few examples taken from everyday life. We still retain in our minds all the towns which we have ever visited. Their features, the location of their squares, walls, and buildings remain in our hearts. We keep the road which we have travelled painted and engraved in our memories; and the sea over which we have sailed is harboured in our silent thought. As I have just said, the human heart knows so many things and is of no small compass.

“Now, if it is not small, and if it can grasp so much, we can prepare the way of the Lord there and make straight the way where the Word, the Wisdom of God, will walk. Let each of you, then, prepare the way of the Lord by a good conscience; make straight the way so that the Word of God may walk within you without stumbling and may give you knowledge of his mysteries and of his coming.”

See you in Church!


Fr Adler+


Pageant & Christmas Worship


Magic vs. Prayer. Lessons and Carols.