Realm. Christ the King. Baptism.

I am pleased to announce that we have successfully moved from a very antiquated Church Management Software to a new one! For most of you, at least right now, this won’t make a huge difference, but I can assure you it is a very good thing for us here in the Office. Our old system, was, well quite old, this new system will make all sorts of different things much, much easier in the months and years ahead.

There will certainly be some kinks to be worked out, but all in all the transition from the old to the new system called “Realm” went very well this past week. A huge thank you to our Bookkeeper Corey Swender, our Treasurer Lisa Hanson, and our Chair of the Finance Committee Alex Topping who all helped make this happen!

Many of you will by now have received an invitation to create an account for Realm. While you do not have to, if you are at all comfortable on the computer, I encourage you to do so. Not only will you be able to make donations to the church there, but you can update your personal information. Eventually there will be other resources available on Realm, so stay tuned for that!

At the moment, to keep things as secure as possible, you will need to be invited to create a Realm account. If you’ve given the Church your email and are a regular member of St. David’s, you should have (or shortly be receiving) an invitation to create your logon to Realm. As I said, I am sure there will be some kinks to be worked out, and if you haven’t received an invitation to logon, we will be sure to help you get that worked out. And again, there is no requirement that you logon; if dealing with computers isn’t your cup of tea, then don’t worry about it!

Finally, I wanted to remind you that this coming Sunday is the last Sunday of the Church Year, the Feast of Christ the King. At the 10 am service we will welcome Jack Simms into the Body Christ through the waters of the Sacrament of Baptism. I hope you can join us!

See you in Church!


Fr Adler+

p.s. Just a reminder that Advent is right around the corner. Here are some dates to make sure you have marked down:

Advent Lessons and Carols - 12/8 at 4:00 PM

Youth Christmas Pageant - 12/22 at 10:00 AM

Christmas Eve Worship - 12/24 at 4:00 PM

Christmas Day Worship - 12/25 at 9:00 AM


Stewardship Thank You! Advent.


Advent is Coming.