Sunday Morning Holy Eucharist

Holy Eucharist, Rite I
8:00am – 8:45am | Chapel

This is an intimate, spoken service that includes scripture lessons, a sermon, and Holy Communion.

Holy Eucharist, Rite II
10:00am – 11:15am | Church

This service includes organ music and hymns, scripture lessons, a sermon, and Holy Communion. Following this service there is an opportunity for food and fellowship.

The 10 AM Holy Eucharist is streamed online. Click on the button below to download a bulletin outline.

Daily Morning Prayer

A service Morning Prayer takes place in the Chapel Monday-Thursday at 8:30 AM.
These services are also streamed online, and amiable to be viewed either live or after the fact.
Click the button below to download a bulletin with the outline of the service to follow along.

Life Events

In the Church, we acknowledge that God is present in every occasion of our lives. Some of these moments we mark together with special celebrations and worship that highlights the ways in which God is always at work in our world.

At St. David’s, we place special emphasis on baptism, confirmation and reception, weddings, and memorial services.

For more information about planning an upcoming service, contact our parish office.